Monday, August 8, 2016

How much more heartbreak can a Yankees fan endure?

If you are a Yankees fan, it has been a pretty rough week if you ask me. First, we had all the commotion down to the final minutes of the trade deadline last Monday. Then to end the week, Mark Teixeira broke all our hearts by announcing his retirement from the game of baseball. And then, sitting at the Sunday morning breakfast table, Alex Rodriguez goes and announces his retirement. I am out of breath just typing all of that.

So where do I begin? Teixeria, you will be missed. There is no doubt about that. However, do I blame you? You've been having a subpar season, riddled many injuries (especially now, close to what we hope will be a post-season), and well, you are 36-years-old. Unfortunately, in baseball years, that is almost extinct, almost.
Courtesy of
Your poise, your adorable face, and of course that perfect final out in 2009, will be hard to say goodbye to. I'm just happy that we don't have to do that until the end of the Yankees 2016 season (whenever that may be). Unlike your other teammate...

Can we talk about this for a second?

As you all probably know by now, and you better unless you live under a rock, Alex Rodriguez will play his final game of his career this Friday. That's right, this Friday night in the Bronx, A-Rod will step up to bat one final time, will make an out one final time (hopefully), and will call himself a Yankee one final time.

And as for the rest of the games this week? Yeah, still to be determined how many times we will see A-Rod on the field...a little weird, right? I mean he even said it himself when asked about being benched: "painful and embarrassing." YA THINK?

After Friday, Alex Rodriguez will automatically take on a new role: Yankees Advisor. So he may not be taking the field for the rest of the season, but he will still be with the team...could this be because we agreed to pay him, oh I don't know, a couple million or twenty? *cue eye roll*

Enough about that, even though there is still so much to be said.

Courtesy of
What I would like to wrap it up with today is not just the fact that I am going to be making name tags for the new team next year, because face it, we aren't going to know anyone. But I would like to end with the phone interview Mark Teixeria had with Mike & Mike this morning. After talking about his mark on baseball and the 2009 World Series final out, he, of course, was asked about his teammate's news bomb.

And what he said was something I will never forget:

"I told my boys [his sons] this morning: 'Listen, guys, just because your friends make mistakes doesn't mean you turn your backs from them...' You know when people talk about Alex Rodriguez and me, Alex has been my friend for a long time and he's made mistakes but I am not going to turn my back on him and I am going to continue to support him. Because he is a great teammate and he loves the game of baseball and deep down in there he cares about people, he really does. And I know this is a tough time for him so we are going to be there for him."

*wipes tears*

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