Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The coolest Home Run Derby we all missed

So if you are anything like me, you got swept up in the MLB All-Star week; whether you were taking a break from your team who just keeps aggravating you more and more each week, or the kind of fan who would not miss a minute. Then the week was over and the baseball we all know and love was back in action. Meanwhile, we were cracking beers and celebrating while we all missed something pretty spectacular: The Northwoods League Home Run Derby.

"Who cares about all-star collegiate athletes during the summer break?" you may ask. Well bite your tongue and feast your eyes:

Courtesy of herealink.com
Have you ever seen anything so cool in your life? That's right, they are hosting a home run derby ON Lake Michigan. Buoy lines imitating what a ball park home run would be, fans enjoying the day by the water, and fireworks to wrap up the night has me adding this event to my bucket list. Marty Bechina, a freshman out of Michigan State, member of the Kenosha Kingfish, took the home the title.

I don't know about you, but it looks like the MLB needs to step up its game.

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