Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Gordon's sin have been forgiven

Guess who's back? Cleveland Browns' WR, Josh Gordon. That's right, the guy who just served a 1-year suspension for multiple drug violations. *pause for applause*

(Let me take a trip down memory lane real quick. On July 5, 2014, Gordon was arrested for driving while impaired, speeding through Raleigh, N.C. And don't forget back in 2013 when he was suspended for the first two games for violating the league's substance-abuse policy...sheesh, man!)

Courtesy of
The league's reinstatement has come with some restrictions, however. Gordon will not be taking the gridiron until he serves a four-game suspension; officially allowing his season to begin on Oct. 3. So it's not automatic freedom right away. Good. Make him sit on the sidelines and face what he could be doing. Afterall, you can't be forgiven of your sins before you complete some reconciliation.

I mean it's only four games, right? Ask our friend Tom Brady who handled a four-game suspension with such poise. No big deal, right buddy?

Moving on...the league has allowed Gordon some freedom as well. Gordon will be allowed to take part in training camp (which started this week), meetings, conditioning, etc. Now this was generous and comes with a great advantage; cause in my eyes, this will provide Gordon with a smooth transition. It will give him exposure and interaction with the team, giving him a jumpstart on making up for lost time.

But am I getting ahead of myself? Let's remember just because the league reinstated him doesn't mean the Browns want him back. Although, yes. Most signs are pointing towards a welcome back party. Fellow teammate, Joe Haden (DB) took to Twitter with much excitement following the good news:
Courtesy of

Welcome back, Josh Gordon. Try not to mess it up this time.

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