Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Re-Awakening

It has been some time, but I am back! This blog has been idle for two years now, so there are some things to catch up on. While I have been away, a lot has changed.

This Jersey-girl has become a Southerner! I survived my freshman year of college, down in beautiful South Carolina at the College of Charleston where I am currently a Junior. I am studying Communication with a minor in Hospitality.

Going from being an athlete all throughout high school to living without the sport I had come to know and love, turned out to be taxing on my body & lifestyle. After a single year of being away from Track & Field, I wanted it back. My fire for the sport never went out. So I made a phone call. The coaches were overly enthused and after a summer of hard-core training, I was able to call myself an NCAA D1 athlete. (CofC Track & Field)

To me, calling something "life-changing" can become cliche. However, becoming a student-athlete was truly and remarkably life changing. Freshman year left me a zombie. Being at the library until 4am, taking 5 minute naps just to feel refreshed, and not having the time to take a step back to look at the beauty of Charleston took a huge toll on my body. If you knew me freshman year, you would've thought I was a completely different person just two months into my sophomore year. Being involved with sports again helped me realize that hey, everything gets done and it will be accomplished with a purpose. With that being said, I completed my sophomore year with lower stress levels and a higher GPA.

I was, and am, a new person.

I am very involved on and off campus. I am coming off a summer internship with the Charleston Battery (professional soccer team on Daniel Island). During the internship, I made connections with local news stations that I already have my eye on for next summer. I am continuing my internship with the Athletic Communication Department while also teaching a fitness class for my old employers at Campus Rec Services.

Welcome to the re-awakening of my blog. While the main purpose is for my Communication Multi-Media reporting course, I am glad to be back. I know how important it is to keep a blog and I am glad I will be on top of that now. I hope to bring my viewpoints to current nation-wide situations and topics while incorporating vital reporting skills. I don't think I have ever been so excited for a course here at the College yet!

Stay tuned...

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