Monday, March 19, 2012

Reality TV

"I think [reality TV] is affecting teens in the way they don't understand the difference between the good things it takes to be a celebrity and the bad," Wells said. "The danger in that is they don't have an issue compromising their morals for the purpose of celebrity and everything that celebrity brings. In their minds, the end justifies the means."

Reality TV was made for entertainment.  The desired age group aims for teenagers who will be drawn into the mundane tasks performed by celebrities, which to them will mean all the world.  This is will create a buzz among the teens, attracting more viewers to the show.  Here comes the downfall.  While the booming ratings are great for the show, the lifestyle of the teenager will come crashing down.  Automatically, teens will begin to think that what they see is how they should act.  It becomes their “birthright” to swim in luxuries and unnecessary expenses.  But when they see the celebrities doing it, they believe that must be the only way.  Teenagers will lose sight of what they should hold high in their lives at sixteen years old.  Instead, they will be raising Starbucks coffee cups and neglecting normal conversations with their parents.  The morals of these teens will be based off of the “cattiness” that they see on the screen, rather than how their parents raised them all the years before.  The teenagers will stride to emulate the lifestyle of the teens on the screen, partying when they want, spending what they don’t have, and simply just being non-realistic on a day-to-day basis.  There needs to be a point in which teenagers can stop and think,"’I saw how cool those parties were…and yes, I get a little jealous of the people on the show, but I know it's not me,’” just as Fitzgerald said in the article.  Like I said, reality TV was made for entertainment, and I truly believe that.  However, the shows need to be watched with a filter and reminders that even though those celebrities look like they are living a normal life, being a celebrity is their job.  Reality TV is hardly realistic. 

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